What cleaners should not be used on hardwood floors?

Do not use pure ammonia, alkaline products, or abrasive cleaners. They will tear or scratch the finish.

Do not use pure ammonia, alkaline products, or abrasive cleaners. They will tear or scratch the finish. Don't rely on lemon juice or a solution of vinegar and water to clean wooden floors. I don't recommend using vinegar or lemon juice, at least not in large quantities, as they can damage the floor seal, Wise said.

Avoid ammonia: Ammonia discolors, deteriorates and dulls the finish. Using ammonia to clean a wooden floor will take years of life away from it. Ammonia is one of the most common ingredients used in just about every store-bought cleaning product. It is a dangerous chemical that can work effectively on persistent stains, mold and mildew, but it should never be used on wooden floors.

The abrasive property of ammonia can damage the surface and also dissolve lignin in hardwood. Instead, you can use baking soda to cut through dirt, stains, and other debris. Also, never combine ammonia with bleach, as it can produce toxic fumes that can cause harmful diseases. You can vacuum your hardwood floor (in fact, it's probably one of the easiest ways to clean it), but be careful what type of vacuum you use.

There are certain cleaning products that cannot be applied to wood floors because they are abrasive or contain acidic properties that can cause serious damage. Cleaning hardwood floors is relatively easy, but the wrong cleaning products can damage the floor. Keeping your hardwood clean the right way will make you happier with your investment and extend the life of your floors. Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner: For long-term maintenance, you should recommend that your customers invest in a product such as Bona's hardwood floor cleaner spray.

You can get that same quick and easy cleaning with the Bona Hardwood Floor Premium spray mop, which comes with a washable microfiber pad and a refillable cartridge full of Bona hardwood floor cleaner. Instead, you can use a microfiber mop to clean your wood floors and other laminate surfaces to ensure their durability. Absolutely clean basic coatings: this product is designed to clean wooden floors without damaging the finish. Vinegar is good for cleaning a lot of things, but not for wooden floors.

White vinegar was once a popular product used to clean hardwood floors. Abrasives include natural cleaning agents such as baking soda, as well as manufactured cleaning products, such as scouring pads and bottle cleaners, and should be avoided at all times. However, just because some products damage hardwood doesn't mean you should completely skip cleaning floors. Ensuring that your customers know how to properly clean a wooden floor is essential to protecting the integrity of their work in the long term.

Maribel Culloton
Maribel Culloton

Professional social media enthusiast. Extreme decluttering ninja. Subtly charming bacon enthusiast. Music lover. Evil pop culture geek.